LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

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LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Pelotas » di 10 okt 2017, 14:24

Welcome to the lucky few winning a ticket to Leuven for the match between OH Leuven and Roeselare!!! 8-)

We'll use this topic to group all questions and info regarding the event, such as how to get to & enter the stadium, the city of Leuven, our opponents, the afterparty, ...
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Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 21:55
Woonplaats: Veltem, Leuven, Kessel-Lo
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Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Maarten » di 10 okt 2017, 17:10

Well, this is one of the few public sections of the forum, so i guess this is as good a place as any, to inform visitors whithout them having to register.
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Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 14:10
Woonplaats: Leuven
Supportersclub: Maarten

Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Pelotas » di 10 okt 2017, 19:13

Not worth a separate section? :)
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Berichten: 1733
Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 21:55
Woonplaats: Veltem, Leuven, Kessel-Lo
Supportersclub: geen

Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Maarten » vr 13 okt 2017, 04:32

Seems a bit premature atm. This seems like a good place for a topic such as this for now. The Foxes forum isn't exactly bursting due to this fan exchange project either so far. Less than 250 applications in total (not just on the forum) for 100 tickets.

Anyway, for those (if any) Leicester fans reading this topic, i don't know just how much free time there will be, but hopefully they'll get a chance to visit Leuven, and Brussels (which is only a 20 minute drive -by car, 30 by train- away from Leuven). The center of the city (Leuven) is rather small, but historically interesting enough to warrant a tour. Places to visit/see, Bondgenotenlaan, Diestse Straat, Oude Markt (dozens of pubs), Grote Markt (with the famous City Hall & St Peters Church), Mechelse Straat, Tiense Straat, Groot Begijnhof (world famous beguinage), Oud Begijnhof, Naamse Straat (part of it anyway), Muntstraat, Ladeuzeplein... the city is littered with churches. There is the Stella brewery at the edge of the city (a 20 minute walk from the center), close to the docks, but i don't know if you can just visit it unannounced. There is a large park in Kessel-Lo (Provinciaal Domein), and the woods in Heverlee. The University is scattered across Leuven, and the renowned hospital just outside town (Gasthuisberg) is practically a city on its own.

Trains to Brussels leave the station every half hour. Plenty to see there as well, obviously.

Two Leuven legends are joined in our forum logo (not the club logo), by the way. First of all, the Noormannen (Vikings) were defeated at Leuven in the middle ages (9th century), ending their reign of terror in the region. Hence the helmet in the logo. And the other part, refers to the battle against the French, exactly 8 centuries later (1691), when the "Leuvenaars" thought they saw French troups moving after dusk. They opened fire, but as the sun came up, they appeared to have slaughtered a bunch of cows, not French soldiers.

Best way to pronounce "Leuven" for native English speakers, is to say: lurvin'.
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Berichten: 18550
Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 14:10
Woonplaats: Leuven
Supportersclub: Maarten

Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor georgebest » vr 13 okt 2017, 10:53

Well Maarten, thanks for the info. I'll see if I can round up some of the busby boys and we'll have a jolly good time in Lurvin, no kiddin'. Bring on the pints!!!
East west
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Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Maarten » vr 20 okt 2017, 15:44

Er lijkt maar bitter weinig interesse geweest te zijn (er wordt gesproken over 300 deelnemers voor 100 plaatsen), en op hun forum is't ook gene vette. Ik denk niet dat we meteen een luik op het forum moeten wijden aan onze "zusterclub".
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Berichten: 18550
Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 14:10
Woonplaats: Leuven
Supportersclub: Maarten

Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Pelotas » do 26 okt 2017, 23:11

Begrijpelijk ergens wel... in de andere richting daarentegen zal er meer interesse zijn ;)
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Berichten: 1733
Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 21:55
Woonplaats: Veltem, Leuven, Kessel-Lo
Supportersclub: geen

Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor disterminator » vr 10 nov 2017, 13:48

In hun kielzog hebben ze ook wel wat Engelse journalisten mee. En zie, een leuk artikel van de Telegraph daarnet: ... -managing/
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Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017

Berichtdoor Maarten » vr 10 nov 2017, 14:00

disterminator schreef in Re: LCFC @ Leuven November 2017:In hun kielzog hebben ze ook wel wat Engelse journalisten mee. En zie, een leuk artikel van de Telegraph daarnet: ... -managing/

Vooral de foto's en met bijhorend onderschrift zijn wel geweldig. Alsof we net uit onze grot zijn gekropen.
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Betweter ≠ bedwetter
Berichten: 18550
Geregistreerd: ma 14 apr 2014, 14:10
Woonplaats: Leuven
Supportersclub: Maarten

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